Hey Lobos, today I thought I would tell you how to create a winter themed painting.

You will Need:
Paint brushes (One big flat brush, one small, and then a fan brush)
Acrylic Paint (Grass green, pale blue, viridian, titanium white, and milky white.)
1 Canvas
First when you have all of your supplies, you are going to use the small flat brush and grab some of the milky white paint and make a wavy line in the middle of the canvas. Once you have created the line paint downward from that line until the entire bottom of the painting is covered. Once that section is covered, mix pale blue, viridian and titanium white and then cover the upper half of the painting with the now light blue paint. When that is done wait for it to dry before doing anything else with the painting. Once the first layer is dry add in the trees. Once the trees are added use your fan brush to add the clouds, make sure to use the milky white paint. One more time, you will have to wait for it to dry. When dry add in the snow on the trees, when that is done you have finished creating your winter themed painting!