“Dragon Ball z Kakarot: is a game Relive the story of Goku in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT! Beyond the epic battles, experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world as you fight, fish, eat and train with Goku. Explore the new areas and adventures as you advance through the story and form powerful bonds with other heroes from the DRAGON BALL Z universe.” -IGN
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is a visually pleasing heavy impact action, story, RPG game. This game comes with so many pros that completely outweigh the cons.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot ‘s fighting feels very fluid and feels very impactful giving the player total control over combos but also feels very lightweight when dashing around your opponent. It also allows the player to bind our abilities to different buttons on your controller.

Controls are very easy to understand and for the people that have played past dragon ball games or anime fighting games, the controls are very similar and easy to carry over to Dragon Ball Z Kakarot.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is also a very beautiful looking game down to particle effects, auras, and environment. It’s very colorful without being too hard on the eyes of the player.
The animation and attention to detail is also something to marvel details such as seeing the water ripple as your fly above it or busting through mountains and sometimes even blasting your opponent through terrain is very cool to see. This close attention to animation also makes the over game feel better to play.
Dragon Ball games always had a good soundtrack but Dragon Ball Z Kakarot takes the soundtrack from the Anime and the past games and gives the player the option to pick one song or the option to randomize the soundtrack.
This game’s voice acting and voice lines are some of the best I’ve ever heard from an anime title both English and Japanese sound very accurate to the voice of the character’s in the anime.
Flight control, In Dragon Ball Z Kakarot you will be flying a lot to transverse across the world but the flight movement at first feels weird and hard to control. In order to fly up and down, you have to press the right trigger and bumper. This at first feels very awkward and will take time to get used to; but overall not a game-destroying con.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot is available on PC, Xbox, and Playstation However, for PC players you do need a compatible controller in order to play since Dragon Ball Z Kakarot does not have a keyboard compatible control scheme at all. If you are a PC player I recommend you have a compatible controller you can use before buying this game