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Mr. Brocka is a teacher at La Joya Community High School. He teaches AP Environmental Science and Conceptual Physics. Mr. Brocka’s special days would be Sept. 11th and 18th. These

days are special to him due to the reasoning he provided. Brocka said,
“…September 18 is special to me cause it is one of my cousin’s wedding this year and he is very very close to me and one of my very close family relatives and friends.”
People still to this day mourn the loss and sacrifices of their loved ones and the tragedy of the 9/11 incident. Mr. Brocka is indeed one of the ones who are grateful for the rescuers and he pays his respects to those lost. Mr. Brocka said
“So September 11th is special to me obviously to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom…”
Mr. Brocka on the 18th, went to his cousin’s wedding in Iowa. He never took time off of school for this wedding, but flew during the weekend starting on Friday, the 17th, to make it on the Saturday, the 18th. He then flew back Sunday, the 19th, to get rest for school the next day.

“For the breaks that I’ve taken it’s only been the ones that are built into the school year, but any personal breaks I haven’t taken any time off, I’ve been here 180 days out of the school year for the past three years.”
The 3 years that he has been at La Joya he has not taken a personal break. Until Sept. 24th, where he will be back in Iowa for another wedding, but this time it’s one of his best friends. Not only is he going to this wedding, he is also the best man.
Overall, these are Mr. Brocka’s special days of September.