Something that has become a tradition to some and to others a wonderful new thing to others is building gingerbread houses. A fun craft you can eat after, or you could also leave it up as a decoration. There are so many other kinds of ways you could decorate the house and even new kinds come out every year, for example your favorite princess or movie character might have a gingerbread house could build. Some have trees some have gingerbread men and little snow men. You could always put extra stuff on it. Some people like to buy extra stuff and make their house very extra. Around this time of year Gingerbread houses can be found almost everywhere you can get one at your local Fry’s, Walmart, Target, and sometimes the dollar store. For this reason, lots of people like to get them, they are affordable and have been a good family bonding experience.
Another activity you could do with friends and family is go look at the light that people put up. The light does not really have a meaning for most people. They are just something that makes your house festive and fun. There are also places you can go to see light in your car. There are a lot of light shows that have nothing to do with religion. They are normally in parking lots.
Place you can get to see lights
Zoomtown Lights
In Avondale
Directions 7602 S Avondale Blvd, Avondale, AZ 85323
Trimlight Phoenix
Directions 8396 E Sunnyside Dr, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
North Phoenix Lights
Directions 18639 N 1st Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85027
They all have great ratings and North Phoenix Lights has done Halloween lights too.
Some of the reviews state that the light has nothing to do with religions in any way.
There are so many things you could do in December even if you do not celebrate Christmas. Most of the activities you could do don’t really have anything to do with Christmas. One of the activities you could do if you do not celebrate this holiday is you could make Hot chocolate bombs you only will need four things. You will need hot chocolate and melting chocolate and a circular silicone mold to form the chocolate.
Hot Chocolate
Mini marshmallows
Melting Chocolate
Sprinkles (Optional)
Circular Mold (silicone in two parts)
Coconut oil
Fist you must melt the chocolate. You can put some of the chocolate in a microwave safe cup and add a small amount of coconut oil. It helps it get smooth and creamy. Put it in the microwave for 20 seconds and stir if still clumpy/hard put back in repeat till smooth.
Grab your silicone mold and put some of the chocolate in each half of the mold and spread it around. After a while you should have a layer of chocolate take out the rest with a spoon. Let that set in the fridge until hard.
While you wait you can mix your hot chocolate (dry) and your mini marshmallows in a small bowl. The when the chocolates you put in the fridge a done pop them out of the mold and put to the side. Put a flat pan on the stove and turn the heat up to low and wait. This is how you join both halves. Do not do without adult super vision. Now grab one half of the circle, put it on the pan for a little while the other half should have some of the hot chocolate mix and stick them together and pop back in the fridge. Repeat if you want to do more
Last you can put some of the melted chocolate in a bag a drizzle the top of the hot chocolate bombs. You warm up some milk a pop in the hot chocolate bombs your all set for your December fun when it is cold.