You wake up one early morning after a stressful night of cramming for exams and what do you see? Zitney Spears central lounging right in the middle of your nose. What do you do? You try covering it up but there it is, shining straight through the layer of makeup. Its normal, acne happens to everybody, no matter how great one’s skin care routine is, one never knows when it might happen. So what can you do to get rid of it quick, easy, and at no expense? Down below are a few home remedies to get rid of that difficult pimple.
Oatmeal, Lemon and honey mask

1.)2 TB of oats
2.) ½ TB lemon Juice
3.) 2 TB honey
4.)Optional (4 drops of tea tree essential oil)
Once all ingredients are mixed, apply directly to freshly washed face. Let the mask sit for at least 15 minutes. Then remove the mask with cold water.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Water

1.) 1 TB of Apple cider Vinegar
2.) 2 TB of water
3.) Cotton balls
4.) Small bowl
Pour in one TB of apple cider vinegar into a small bowl. Then pour 2 TB of water into the bowl, the mixture should be one part apple cider vinegar to two parts water. Mix them together and dip the cotton ball into the mixture. Once the ball is soaked, apply the cotton ball straight onto the freshly washed acne affected area. Let the face dry and continue your daily skin care routine. You’ll see this works wonders!

This is an easy one, everybody has it in their bathroom.
Before you fall asleep, apply a dime sized amount of toothpaste to the acne. Let it dry on your face while you sleep and wake up the next morning with an exceptionally smaller pimple.
Coffee, Honey, and Aloe Vera

1.) 1 TB of coffee
2.) 1 TB of Honey
3.) A piece of Aloe Vera
4.)Mixing Bowl
5.) Spoon
Grab the mixing bowl and add 1 TB of Coffee, 1 TB of Honey and mix it. Then cut up one piece of Aloe Vera and remove the jelly in the inside and add it to the mixture. Mix well. Once it is completely mixed together, Apply as a mask to a freshly washed face. Leave mask on for about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the mask with water and continue your nightly skin care routine like normal.
This recipe was suggested by Senior Priscilla Perez who said, ” I apply a mixture of coffee, honey, and aloe vera on my spots , and it has really helped my acne.”
Everybody has different skin types so not all may apply to you, but these recipes have sure worked miracles on many people and could also positively impact your acne.