Have you seen the new and improves Samsung S9 and the brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 9? They are both brand new and improved based off of the Samsung J7 and the Samsung s8. The Samsung s9 is around $720 and the Galaxy Note 9 is about $1000. Don’t let this price discourage you. These phones are well worth the price. The s9 holds a whopping 1 TeraByte of memory. The Galaxy Note 9 holds about 569gb of memory. That is enough memory combined to hold the whole series of Star Wars and Star Trek on your phone and still have enough space for games and other much-needed technology. That is enough to hold 144,250 songs. When asking a fellow senior at La Joya what they think they would do with the 569gb worth of space they said.
“I would probably download multiple huge apps, I would also download so many movies that I would lose track of them, and probably multiple programs such as photo editor and video editors.” Said, Jason Harper
The Samsung S9 holds 8gb of Ram, that is a really fast phone. You would never have a slow phone or even a phone that has apps randomly close.

The Galaxy S9 can also record in 4k. There are not many T.V’s that can even play 4k. Have you ever taken a picture in Aperture mode? Doubtly. This camera will automatically make your image perfect whether you are in extreme dark, or even extreme light it will take the perfect image. The camera can even take slow-motion images.
When asked what Victor Rasquirez, a Sophmore at La Joya Community High School would do with 8gb of Ram he said,
“I would download a lot of games and literally do whatever I want with my phone.”
These are just a few of the many extremely awesome features that you can get with these new devices.