On October 8th, Raven Symone had said some questionable comments on “ghetto names” on The View that had everyone talking.
The View was having a discussion on ghetto sounding names and how Americans discriminate based on the spelling of names.
They all watched a clip of a video called “Top 60 Ghetto Names” and Raven suggested that it is not racist to judge someone based on their names but discriminatory.
Then she said she is very discriminatory on the names they heard in the clip and stated
“I’m not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. It’s just not gonna happen. I’m not gonna hire you.”
Whoppi Goldberg, one of the co host, was appalled by the comment and literally had no words.
Now not to be rude, as Raven-Symone indefinitely was, but just to point out that she has a “ghetto name”
The “dash” in her name can be seen as ghetto or exotic and for her to be discriminated upon based on her name.
No its not just discrimination but racism at its finest
Racism is defined as “the belief that some races are better than others”
Saying that your not going to hire someone over the way their name is spelled because it gives off a bad vibe is racist.
If it was a Becky, Ashley, Noah, or Tim, there would be no hesitation as to whether or not they could get the job because all the employer would have to worry about is if they are qualified.
Not the “ghettoness” that you associate their name with.
Names have nothing to do with a persons work ethic.
The real Watermelondria is a character that famous Youtuber Tre Melvin portrays in his videos. He was not hesitant to comment on Ravens statements and quickly made a video.
Due to the explicitly of the video, Tre Melvin basically says that no matter what a persons name is it does not defined them as a person.
Shaniqua could be working just as hard as Bob but the name alone should not be the reason of the company’s downfall.
Raven did issue an apology after her dad made a remark about her behavior.
“As an equal opportunity employer, I have never discriminated against a name…even though I said I would, its not true. My comment was poor in taste. My lack of empathy towards name discrimination was uncalled for”
This will not be the last time we hear an apology from her because it seems like in the Black Community that she is ashamed of her race.
As some of you may have saw on Opera last year in a interview that she doesn’t identify herself as Black or African American.
I for one do have what may be a ghetto name but I will continue to strive for true equal opportunities for everyone. So when an employer sees my name and Ashly’s on an application the only thing that goes through their minds is what I put under qualifications.
A qualification should not be if my name is pleasing to you, and if you have to guess my race based upon my name you should not be an employer.