In 2019 the Tolleson Union High School District, came up with the idea of opening a new school. There was a meeting on August 21, 2018 discussing what they wanted the name, mascot, and what the school colors will be. The students had the chance to have a opinion on what they wanted these things to be by taking the survey that the district sent out. During the beginning of the school year the news came out that the new school’s name is West Point High School, their colors will be the black and red to go along with the dragon mascot. West Point will be located on Avondale Blvd. and Encanto, and will open up for the school year 2019-2020.
When opening a new school the majority of the focus is for incoming freshmen, though with West Point they are switching it up by allowing future sophomores’ as well. Creating this causes a good experience for the district because it allows them to try something that no one has done before.
“It is Garbage that they decided to make a new school right when we are about to leave high school” said by Adrian Garcia, a senior at La Joya Community High School.
Having this new addition causes some problems for the upper-class men. They feel as they should of got the chance to see something different, something that has not been used before. Most seniors say that they would absolutely go to West point if they had the option to, simply because it looks nice and has different features that their current school doesn’t have.
They have a bigger cafeteria, bigger gym, two sets of every field that is needed for outsides sports (2 soccer fields, 2 baseball fields, 2 softball fields, 2 tennis courts and 3 basketball courts).
“Its going to be great adding another school because it will allow us to have smaller classes, giving a better chance for one on ones talks with students ” said by Junior English teacher, Mr. Turbitt.
There are mixed emotions about the new school opening. Some love it, others are hurt that they didn’t get the chance to go to it themselves. Overall, it will be a great addition allowing less crowding and more opportunities. Keep updated for when registrations are to become a fire breathing Dragon.