Von Ware is a “former U.S.A national Track & Field Champion and an Emmy Award-winning Director of Photography and Photographer” according to his professional website https://www.warestudios.co/.Von Ware has his own cinematography company named Ware Studios and his career kicked off after he retired from the Olympics.

Von Ware was invited to join Mrs. Eaton’s first period on Monday, August 24th to speak on how he got started as a cinematographer and to speak on his experience.
“How I got into cinematography was my last couple years competing on the U.S. national team for the Olympics. I started filming a few of my friends who were gold medalists, and just messing around. I always had a little bit of an art background. I like taking photos and things of that nature. [I] did some photos and videos with a couple of friends just having some fun and they were really impressed with what I was doing and said

hey you know, you should probably do this for a living and I didn’t think anything of it and after I retired back in 2004, I decided to pursue it and I worked for a couple of different television networks just doing editing and some video work and from there on I struck out on my own…” said Von Ware.

Von Ware introduced himself by explaining who he was and what he did for a living.
“I am a cinematographer I [have] been doing this professionally for probably about, going on maybe 8 years now as a professional professional. I started off shooting weddings of that nature just to kind of learn…” said Von Ware.
Von Ware told the Media students of La Joya what project really took his career to a whole different level.
“My first big break, I was shooting a Nike commercial with Colin Kapernick and a few other NFL players, and that kind of started it off…” said Von Ware.
On Von Ware’s website, he has clients from Nike, Adidas, Gatorade, Under Armour, NFL Network, Ea Sports Madden NFL, MLS, USATF, WNBA, AT&T, USA Boxing, and others.