Everyone one knows Among us is a multiplayer game where there are 10 players, eight of them are crewmates and two of them are an imposter. But instead of playing the normal way, there are two game modes you can play with friends.
The first and most popular game mode is called hide and seek. In hide and seek there is only one killer you must lower either the killer or
everyone’s vision to almost none this makes it appear that the lights are off also set player speed a little slower than normal. In order to win,
you must do several long tasks (you could set this amount to however many you want). The rules to this game mode are that no one can
report dead bodies you must win off the task alone (no reports, no calling meetings) When the game starts you don’t have to mute your mic but the imposter must tell the others that he is the imposter so people know who they are hiding from.
The next game mode and relatively new game mode is called black and white. In order to play this game mode, you’re going to have to play the pc version of the
game. In this game mode, you play it how you normally would but the fun part is that everyone has to have a very similar name (to the point you can’t tell the difference) also you must invert your colors to black and white. In order to do this, you have to go to your “color filter” settings and turn on “Grayscale” when you turn it one the game should be in black and white. This game mode is fun because imposter and crewmates can do strategies that wouldn’t work in color. For example, someone can completely lie and said they reported or called a meeting when in reality it was someone else but most people wouldn’t be able to tell due to the lack of color. And sometimes when you are in a meeting you may not know which character is you because everyone has a similar name and is wearing the same exact thing. This could cause funny arguments to occur that wouldn’t normally happen.
If either of these two gam modes interest you, I highly recommend giving them a try with friends or family you don’t need a party of ten to play either of these game modes as well a party of five to seven should work fine.