Student Government is the peak of what makes up La Joya Community High School. Student governments let students voice their opinions. In general, foster leadership, community, and a sense of responsibility among students, while making schools more inclusive and responsive.
Organize school-wide assemblies, dances, and fundraisers. Student governments can advocate for improvements to facilities, changes to policies, or support clubs and activities that benefit the student body. “Student government is a group of students that are charged with managing a wide range of events, activities, programs, policies and initiatives around school.” – Accredited Schools Online
They make sure school administrators take into account students’ needs by representing their interests. Students can do that by developing leadership skills. “Student Government seeks to effect positive change within the institution and to provide a platform for ideas, debate and change that reflect the student body.” – CCS
“Stugo is a very friendly and open to new members, it’s like when you come in you immediately are welcomed.” From Hector Rivera, Junior Stugo Member.
Being a leader teaches you responsibility, teamwork, and decision-making, which are valuable life skills. Students’ governments organize events and activities to build community and school spirit. “Becoming a student council leader is a stepping-stone towards an enriching future.” – Yuda bands
Students are often involved in service projects and philanthropic efforts, teaching social responsibility and giving back to the community. “They help to change school life for the better as well as draw attention to important projects that would otherwise be ignored.” – DM Productions
“I love the leadership qualities that helped me grow as a person and all the people I got to meet that I wouldn’t have if I wasn’t in Stugo.” From Carolina Marquez, Student body secretary.
Participating in a student government is a great way to learn about governance and democracy, as well as how organizations, elections, and decision-making work. “Student leaders must be able to analyze issues, generate solutions, and manage their time effectively in order to accomplish their goals.” – Youth Time Mag
“Being in Stugo for a long time got me out of my shell and be able to communicate with creative people everywhere and learn skills that will be used in the real world.” From Ashely Garcia, Student body vice president.
Student government helps students improve their public speaking, budgeting, and communication skills. College applications and resumes look good with student government involvement, since it shows leadership and commitment. “A position in the student government allows students to gain skills and knowledge that can benefit their future careers.” – Indeed