Hello Lobos! Welcome back to another story! I hope you all are having an amazing day, let’s make your day a little more fun with an entertaining story. This story is about a movie called Toy story! it was released in Nov 22 of 1995 and this movie is about friendships, loyalty, teamwork and communication. Let’s dig right in with all the action!
Review: This movie is about a boy named Andy who has lots and lots of toys and a big imagination for all of them. Andy has a birthday coming up as he is moving away later on and wants to celebrate with his close friends. As Andy goes and have fun, something happens to the toys. They are alive and moving! they all seem to have their own mind and opinion like normal human beings. They all love Andy as their purpose as toys is to stay with Andy as he grows as it is the most noble thing a toy can do. Here is where our main character comes to play. His name is Woody! Woody the cowboy and sheriff. He is Andys favorite toy and Woody has a good sense of leadership and take a more leader approach as Andy favorite toy. The Toys snoop in on what Andys friends gifted him for his birthday and as it was all clear his mom came in a surprised him with an unexpected gift. It’s a new Toy! Now the story really begins for the toys. Who knows if Woody will be replaced or if the new toy is an enemy to them
This movie is loved by so much children and people as it is a classic and has a deep meaning of bonds and friendships. This movie has touched my heart with all the different kinds of toys Andy has and his wild imagination for them. This movie is about how some difference’s and draw you closer together as a team and make new friendships along the way. I love how they represent the whole theme and how the movie plays out in the movie. It was all so meaningful and everything had a purpose in giving the theme out. Overall, I say it’s a beautiful movie and means a lot to many people, including me.
This comes to the end of my story. I hope this story was entertaining and I hope you watch the movie of it as it was meaningful to me as I first watched it. So many people out so much effort to give you this movie as it has a beautiful ending and a lasting memory on all. Thank you so much and I’ll see you on the next story. Bye bye!