YouTube is getting more strict than ever with the new restrictions. They have been cracking down on people that have inappropriate language. People all over the world go onto YouTube almost everyday, thinking that the changes are unnecessary and no need to be any more restrictions. People are accountable and know what they’re getting themselves into when they look something up.
When D’shaun Pitre was asked on his thoughts of his favorite channels getting shut down had he said “I’d be heated” and that’s because it’s always been a reliable source for him. “If you can’t see it on YouTube and have the resource to see it on the internet, is there a point? What’s the difference”
Pitre, makes a point when saying that if the concern is with younger kids, there is a kids YouTube where they can’t run into things. YouTube is a source when people to go to see funny videos and listen to your favorite music, only then to find out it’s getting restricted. If the issue is for anyone to hear any specific language, YouTube has to come a realization that teenagers and adults are going to do what they want to do. Chances are that they’re using the same language that YouTube doesn’t want people to hear.
When Karla was asked what her opinion she said “I wouldn’t really care” and that’s okay.
She doesn’t see the purpose of YouTube because she doesn’t get on as much as the rest, and thinks the changes would be necessary.
Antonio Canez thought it was dumb and unnecessary because he wouldn’t know where else to go when it comes to music because he uses it on a daily bases. YouTube restricts the obvious vulgar comments and inappropriate videos but shutting down bloggers that have a huge fan base seems like it’s taking it a little too far.
YouTube left Philip DeFranco to say “YouTube is shutting down my channel and I’m not sure what to do”.
The effect that YouTube has a hold on some people is ridiculous, people highly believe that there should be no changes to the way YouTube is now. People are responsible for their own actions and been taught to be accountable and taught about the real world. If people are getting censored online what does that say about life outside of the internet? Should people be censored in real life? Should people be restricted from the 1st amendment?