Drug usage and smoking in schools is a serious issue that can hinder students learning abilities and can cause harm to student’s health and can affect students overall academic performance in school.
Smoking can also prevent students from having a high focus task in school due to being intoxicated or a lack of commitment. With this action happening in school, it’s important that students be aware of the risk that these tasks carry and what can happen.
“Kids don’t know what they’re doing or what they’re taking in, it is also dangerous and unhealthy,” said Lead Security Guard, Omari Valere.
With these qualities of smoking and drug use it tends to lower grades, increasing of becoming a drop out, low attendance, and lack of showing to school. Ages 14-18 stand against high risk of death from drug overdose. An average of 22 teens die each week facing drug overdoes.
“The ill’s of society or the ill’s of the school house and drug use and addiction is a societal problem that we as a society have not found the answer to, I am struggling to find an answer as well. There should be consequences for drug use, unfortunately those consequences are not affective, and you can see that in the recidivism rate of drug users in jail, ” said Principal, Dr. William Sorensen.
Drug usage in schools should always face consequences, and consequences that would have a strong impact or life changing experience. Consequences can also sometimes have a negative impact such as brain damage, lung disease, health problems, depression, mental ill, and mostly death.
“I think it should be stopped and shouldn’t be done at school so that way school can still be peaceful environment”, said Sophomore Xavier Stuart.
Having a safe and peaceful school environment is a well-being of students learning ability, and to provide encouragement to all. A peaceful environment also includes a safe structure for all classmen and staff, allowing students and teachers to want to attend school.