Calling all students. Ahh school. School teaches the future generation, and school is meant to have fun, be creative, learn a lot and take part in activities to engage in learning and be a part of your community. But truth is, school is hard. Every student worries about their grades and if they can pass class or not. Students get stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of homework and how tight their schedule might be. Sometimes students just need a break to relax and just be themselves.
“Students are forced to have an outlet to exercise their creativity and we are often so much focused on academia and focused on percentages and grades and collage and I just feel like students’ kind of need to step away like a healthy break during the day to get some, just get some kind of almost like a meditation time for them. “-Stated from miss Nicky a teacher in la Joya
School is bound to be stressful but know that there are things that can help you such as playing games, hanging with friends or family and just being yourself without worry can help you face the struggles and difficulties in school. Even if it does get hard and you slip up a bit, its not the end of the world. sometimes people need help and there is no shame in asking for some. talk to your best friend, friends, your family, your dog, even your teacher. la Joya has a lot of amazing people here to help you with your struggles. And if you just want someone to listen then that’s fine too. because we all need someone to listen to us when we are struggling.
“A lot of the stress we have, even the happiness we have experience in life and the proud moments we tend to kind of just mold them over day by day but taking a moment to journal that in a creative way or draw out a feeling, or an emotion from it really kind of helps you kind of nurture them”-Stated from miss Nicky a teacher at la Joya.