AP classes hold a lot of benefits for those whom take these courses. However, the work load of these classes is tough to manage for many students. AP students juggle hours of homework added to their daily routines alongside difficult assignments during the school day. Students taking these classes are currently tired and stressed due to the amount of work given to them.
La Joya has several AP classes for those whom excel in different classes, giving students the chance to partake in these college level courses with the purpose of potentially getting college credit. If the student scores a three or higher on a five point scale at the end of the year, they receive college credit for that course. However, it takes a lot of studying and work to pull a high score. Hailey Garcia, a Junior here at La Joya who has taken a AP test before explains her experience with the test.
“Last year I felt a little overwhelmed. It was difficult because I wasn’t concentrated on the lessons” said Hailey.
Getting a high score on the AP exam is nothing easy, and takes the entire school year to prepare for. AP students are often hit with an average of two or more hours of homework every night. For many who partake in sports, clubs, or have a job, this can be a difficult task to manage. Mia Ortega, a Harkins employee and AP Junior student, explains her perspective of AP classes.
“I love the challenge and the chance to see my full potential. Also, I love to jump at any chance to learn more” and continues to explain how the workload exceeded her expectations “I knew it was tough but my first AP class I ever had gave packets of homework every day” states Mia.
Additionally, high school is a tough time for many teenagers. Neurological issues in teens is a real issue, with many battling anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. The large amounts of homework given to AP students by their teachers have negatively affected students by messing up their sleep schedule, and furthering anxiety. Kelly Izaguirre Garibaldi, a AP junior at La Joya
who on average spends four to five hours on homework a day, explains the neurological affects of AP courses.
“AP classes have taken a toll on my mental health. I find little time for relaxation and I am constantly stressed or anxious about school” said Kelly.
A message to those who take AP classes: You’re doing great and remember to make time for yourself.