Ms. Ewan is a junior Algebra 2 teacher. She found her love for teaching from her mom who taught for 39 years before retiring. Ms.Ewan loves to learn and loves to help others learn.
“I love learning and I love instilling thats sense of learning in students,” said Ms Ewan.
Math was always an interest to Ms. Ewan. It is the reason she likes to teach the subject. Algebra has a start and a finish. It is something her students will use in their future.
“I love working with numbers and I love thats it’s very concrete, You have a starting point, you have an ending point,” said Ms. Ewan
Ms. Ewan finds it rewarding when her students who are struggling are able to find out how it works and are able to get to the correct answer. Seeing what the students can accomplish and how their success with the subject grows.
Although she like were she is now she wishes to have started her teaching career a little earlier in life. To have a closer understanding to her students and the subject.
Advice that Ms. Ewan would give to someone that wants to become a teacher. ” Don’t rush into deciding what you want to teach,” said Ms. Ewan.
Teaching is not for everyone and it is not something that is for everyone. But I you enjoy learning and teaching it to others teacher can be a career for you. Like Ms. Ewan here passion for learning and helping others has gotten her to a job she enjoys doing.