Have you ever wanted to have a full time job on working with technology? For all you who want to get connected to technology there are jobs such as an IT manager. Computer technology is evolving faster than ever before and demand for computer professionals with the right qualifications is at an all time high. This page is designed to help you find reliable and relevant information on variety of computer and computer technology careers. according to a former computer major which is my uncle he said “It’s always best to have the job that makes you happy.”
The best school to attend that involves technology would be the university of Stanford because how good there program is and how they excel. For all you Lobos who want to be working with technology, I’m telling you this is your best opportunity. “never give up on something you want to achieve.” this quote was written by Tony Romo NFL former quarterback.
Many tech jobs are projected to grow 22 percent by 2022, much faster than the average for all occupations, due to the large increase in the demand for computer software, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “It doesn’t matter the challenge but its always better to get over it”, this quote was written by john Cena a professional wrestler. In conclusion, all this will affect you in your future if you really are serious into going to technology. They make good money but what matters is that it makes you happy and makes you want to do it.