AVONDALE- Thursday, September 5th at 6:35 am, on her car ride to drop her kids off to school, Leslie Casillas told me about her surprising and prideful moment last night.
She told me about how she follows brain tumor groups on Facebook and how what she was posting, was saving lives.
“[A Lady was] asking me questions about Doctor Sanai cause she was gonna come, she was going to fly in to get a second opinion from him from

somewhere else in the country. Like I joined all these websites, like Facebook groups, to stay on top of what’s happening, like research and treatments and to help other people but I never really thought about impacting somebody’s life so much that they are in New York and they are flying in to see my doctor because I said so. It kinda feels like a lot of pressure, but it’s a good kind of pressure like it’s not like I’m lying, he is a really good surgeon, he does do more brain surgeries than anybody else in the country and I have had two successful surgeries from him, so I’m not lying, it’s just that when I joined these groups and I started posting and I never thought about it being impactful, that impactful,” said Leslie Casillas.
Along with her posts, she got notified that other people have been tagging her in their responses about they met Doctor Sanai and they got the treatment they needed and that she basically saved their life,

A text conversation between an anonymous messenger on Facebook and Mrs. Casillas,
“Oh wow!! I speak w[ith] him tomorrow. I have lots of questions. I hope you are well, I know he is awesome but it is scary knowing about 8 other doctors said no and that it would harm her more than help.”
“Not the radiation, the most important thing is to have it taken out. The chemo and the radiation are for the little microscopic cells that are left over after you have surgery, but if you don’t get the big, huge thing out first, it kind of makes the other treatments not effective. it makes me feel like proud that I recommended somebody that is gonna save somebody’s lift,” said Leslie Casillas.

WeAreGreenBay.com posted a video and article regarding the passing of Senator John McCain and his Glioblastoma, which is the most aggressive and deadliest former of brain cancer. Doctor Sanai was interviewed.
“In doing so, we can take the tumor that we remove in the operation, test it, and answer two basic questions: did the drug get through and did the drug do what it’s supposed to do,” said Doctor Sanai.
“Doctors know if there’s a response within seven to ten days. “If they’re on the study and they actually graduate to the therapeutic dosing after surgery, they’re really doing so knowing that there’s some hard evidence connecting their tumor’s response to the drug,” said Dr. Sanai.
Social media platforms are a way to connect people across the world. To spread news, advice, promotions, and we can all agree that we can add saving lives as well to the list of good things that come from social media.