Social media has a say in what we wear and how we live. Majority being young teens become so obsessive with their personal image, to the point of actually developing a mental disorder.
Eating disorders, depression, and anxiety can be developed through vulnerability and low self-esteem of teens. Social media pages can go as far as to glorifying such illnesses. Through this process it can cause teens to gain an impression that it is acceptable to follow a lifestyle that can potentially leave severe consequences to their growing minds.

Young teens spend 2.7 – 6.9 hours on social media
(, between these hours spent, they start to develop a sense of need towards auditing themselves to feel accepted by their friends and society. They eventually start to change their attitude, lifestyle, and who they are to fit social media’s descriptions of who they should be. Jocelyn, 17, said, “ They tend to feel the need to impress others and they feel insecure about themselves, also if they see other teens doing it they may think they need to do it too”.
Although there are teens who can safely say they have a grasp of confidence and don’t fall into the hands of social media. Jasmin, 16, said, “It’s great to keep a positive mindset and to stay focused”, informing about how she keeps grounded.
With every right and wrong way of who to be in social media, we must not live a stressful life that determines if we are beautiful depending on how many likes, shares, or comments we get. Our young minds must remember, there is nobody like you, you are enough and love who you are.