Many People Want To Be A Photographer But Don’t Know Where To Start…
Photography is one of many things that can be easy to some, but difficult for others
Hello, I’m Elijah Zapien. Joining us on this fabulous day is no other than, Christopher Martinez Freshman at La Joya Highschool.
Today I am going to be going over with Christopher Martinez on how to use his phone camera today, we are also going to be editing some photo’s together.
Q1: Elijah: So Christopher is this your first time ever editing a photo before and if not what photos have you edited before? A1: Christopher: No Elijah this is not my first time editing a photo I’ve actually edited many photo’s before, Some are very good looking photos till this day. Elijah: So your very experienced then, well enough experience to edit photo’s at least.
Q2: Elijah: What your saying Christopher is that you are a editing pro based on what I’m hearing. Do you mind sharing some of your work with the audience, *Christopher shows picture to audience*, audience applauds* Elijah:

Wow that’s a great picture, what type of equipment did you shoot that picture with? A1: Christopher: “I just used my good ole’ phone”, I just went to my camera and started taking pictures. Elijah: That’s great Christopher. I’m going to be showing the audience how they can edit photos and use there camera as well as you can, thank you Christopher for showing us all that wonder full photograph.
Q3: Christopher, if there was ever a way or any advice you would to give someone who wanted to start a career as a photographer or a photo editor what would it be or sound like. A3: Christopher: I would tell them to keep on doing it because only great things come out of this and plus it’s such a cool and nice learning environment everyone comes up with a new trend or a new way to edit “it’s always changing”.
Thank you for sticking around now lets edit a photo together…