In order to figure out which career one would like to choose, at West-Mec a student or adult student can choose any of there listed programs like physical therapy technician. You are taught in visual, auditory and tactile learning styles
Western Maricopa Education Center is a location where students and adult students get to participate and acknowledge new information of a former career they are interested in for their future. If you still remain in high school, you can obtain both a high school and college credit for a fee. This school has funded programs all over the Phoenix, Arizona area, with over 30k students attending.
Having a starting idea of what career interests you for your future gives a big impact. It can make you realize if it is meant for you or not. What aspects you like and don’t.
A student attending La Joya went to West-Mec 2020-2021. He chose to attend the biomedical science program. In this program the students attending learn about human physiology, basic biology, medicine and also research process through an interactive curriculum. Basically you learn about the human body system and learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases in a lab setting.
“By taking this class I wanted to see if I really did have a passion for medicine and if I wanted to do this the rest of my life” said senior, Adrian Jurado
Giving West-Mec a try gives you an advance on a career that not many others get the opportunity of. You get to learn on how your career choice works out, what they do, how they do it and more.
“.. I will continue with this career path after high school… it is something that interests me a lot and i think in the long run it will definitely be worth it… I had a lot of fun
learning about the basics of medicine in West-Mec and I hope to learn a lot more in the future”
Check out West-Mec if you are interested in any of these program opportunities:
- Culinary
- Hairstyling
- Pharmacy Technician
- Veterinarian
And more!