Why do games die so fast? Why do these games grow such hype and then become such disappointments? Here is My Opinion.

The OverHype kills games. Anytime I feel like a game is getting completely overhyped I feel like it is set up to fail. People raising their own hopes over a game and a company they have barely seen. Do not give yourself false hope especially when getting excited about a game.
The game doesn’t get enough hype to get enough support to have a huge launch. As much as hype can kill a game not enough hype can also destroy a good launch for a game. Companies can avoid this by proper advertisement and receiving sponsors.
The games decide to make changes that ruin the game for a lot of people, making the game no longer fun but feel more like a chore. Companies make development changes and sometimes it just breaks the game and the developers leave it. Companies could avoid a loss of player base by listening to them and fixing serious problems in the game.

If any of the “Gaming lingo” didn’t make sense here are some definitions: Hype-popularity of a company or game, OverHype- too much popularity for the company or game raising the player bases’ standards, PlayerBase- The number of people playing the game and that have supported the game,