Gender inequality has been a topic that society has had wedged in its side for millennia. The social norm has been that males are superior to females. While men are indeed strong (as seen in history), we have some pretty strong and proud women. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote her famous novel, “Frankenstein” on a dare. Lord Byron, a British poet, firmly believed that women could not write. Mary later wrote Frankenstein to prove him wrong. It was one of the most successful books published in Europe. It propelled her to become the face of feminism in Britain.
But many men feel that feminism isn’t an option for them, since it doesn’t directly involve them. But that isn’t true! Men supporting female empowerment are incredible, and only adds to the movement.
As a male supporter of the female empowerment movement, I think women are strong, capable, and inspiring. I look up to many women as inspirational models. Michelle Obama being one of the biggest. One of my favorite feminist anthems, “Salute” by the girls of Little Mix, is incredibly powerful. The song features women in a military setting. The singing group uses lyrics such as “Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps, or lace up your boots.” and “If you ready, ladies, better keep steady, ready, aim, shoot.”
LJHS teacher Samantha Gorgan stated her opinion. “Regardless of your race and class, religion, whether you’re disabled or not, your sexuality, those things change your experience. Not everybody has the same experience. Feminism has come to the realization that equality is on different levels, and we want to make it a level playing field.”
She also said about male involvement, “It’s harder for men because there’s that stereotype that men aren’t man enough if you consider yourself a feminist. I think a lot of men are less willing to stand up and say they are a feminist.” She wholeheartedly believes that men being involved is a wonderful thing. Feminism isn’t about just womens’ rights, but ALL rights for ALL people.

There are many ways you can be involved in the feminism movement. One for example, is the organization I Am That Girl. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting female empowerment in teenage girls and young women. It also openly welcomes male allies! You can pledge to support girls and women. Their goal is to turn self-doubt into self-love in girls. You can also join the League of Women Voters. Its mission is to get women more involved in politics, social studies, science, and more fields. Both of these organizations are incredible.

Feminism is defined as the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. It’s about EQUALITY of both males and females. Let’s make that a reality.