Racism is an underlying problem that has been displayed within our society because of how certain groups of people behave and act towards those who are completely different from them. In our nation, Racism shouldn’t be a subject that is “sensitive” or “inappropriate”, it should be widely acknowledged. But how does this subject affect or impact the youth of the 21st century?
It’s 2018, and yet, Racism is still an issue. Most Teens across America, that mainly live in suburbs regions in the south and other “white-domain” areas, have accepted and supported the president of the united states, Donald Trump. It’s true, some teens in our society have learnt Racism, and it’s not to be ignored. Now, supporting Trump doesn’t technically make you a racist but it sure makes one a bigot to not understand the insensitivity someone has. Now, teens who do understand the reality of Racism have become a driven force in minority regions, unlike Teens in those suburb regions, the number in which minorities have become a workforce to implement CHANGE in our society is becoming noticeable
“The proportion of adolescents who are racial and ethnic minorities is expected to rise in the future. More than half of U.S. adolescents (54 percent) were white in 2014, but by 2050 that proportion is projected to drop to 40 percent as Hispanic and multiracial teens, in particular, come to represent a larger share of the population,”

said “The Changing Face of America’s Adolescents”.
Caucasian percentages drop while Hispanic percentages rise. Could this potentially mean something? Well, it’s safe to imply that teens who are considered minorities do make a change! In an Interview with Lorenzo Solis, a Senior at La Joya Community High School in Arizona, was asked about how he identifies with rising percentages of minorities,
“I do identify with rising percentages because I’m registered to vote…Let alone that, I can make a difference to how this country is perceived.”
Dulce Garcia, Alumni from La Joya Class of 2016, said
“Graduating and being undocumented is only the smallest form of micro-change that I’ve impacted on, but it’s a start. It’s something that I did, that may have affected conservative communities.”

Going back to the jump, Kids of the future are really making a difference into Racism.
Jennifer Hernandez, Alumni from La Joya 2013, said
“Back in my day, these were issues not really fazed by teens. Especially racism, because no one really payed mind to it. Even I see a difference as to how today’s generation of kids write about it, talk about it, and acknowledge it. Even some attempt to make changes. It’s exceptional because I never expected new generations to care.”
It’s a revelation to some, when it comes to talking about how today’s teens really make a difference in our world. It’s true…the kids who thrive to make political change in good directions, the kids who speak up when it’s appropriate, and the kids who know when something isn’t politically right and do something about it, are very much here now. They’re in our neighborhoods, in our schools, in our organizations.