If you have ever entered an advanced or an AP (advanced placement) course, you know it’s a whole different world compared to a regular class. They are expected to have a higher level of punctuality, thoroughness and understanding the concept. Meeting all those criteria can be overwhelming. Students go through several struggles as they study a college level course during high school. Here are some points that AP students go through on a day-to-day basis.
1. You have less time to have a social life

Being in an AP class, you are assigned numerous of assignments that are due the following week. The work cannot be done in a couple of minutes, and so that can take up time of our day to complete it. Sometimes students have to sacrifice their social life for their education. Madelyn Martinez, a senior at La Joya Community High School in Avondale, AZ said, “I tend to focus so much on school and preparing for the future that I forget to enjoy the people that are around me right now”.

2. Stress. Stress. Oh wait, stress!
We are just one human being who can handle so much! Students live their life differently and face problems that other students may not have. Samantha Torres, a senior in La Joya Community High School said “I have to deal with more stress and less sleep due to doing hw all day once I get home from school”.
3. Balancing everything

Even though students dread the amount of homework and assignments they receive, it does not stop them from joining clubs/extracurricular activities. Madison Stallard, our senior student body president at La Joya Community High School said “When it comes to balancing my time in school and the various extracurricular that I am involved in, it’s pretty tough. I have to stay up till 2 am doing homework and writing emails or making posters”.
The AP life is not as easy task, but every student that enters it, want to challenge themselves and strive for a better future.